ISD 458 School Board Publishes Minutes

August 27, 2024

Board of Education
Independent School District #458 Board Meeting
July 15, 2024 5:30 PM
I. Call to Order: 5:30 PM
Roll Call: Present — Mike Pfeil, Kenna Krahmer, Maria Haler, Paula Heckman, James Farnum and Jeff Nauman
Staff Present: Lisa Shellum, Julie Brudelie, and Eva Sonnabend
II. Approval of Agenda:
Motioned by Heckman, and seconded by Farnum, to approve/amend the July 15 2024 Board Agenda. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
III. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:
Motioned by Nauman, and seconded by Krahmer, to approve the June 17, 2024 regular meeting minutes. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
IV. Presentation of Bills/Finance (consent agenda)
Motioned by Heckman, and seconded by Haler, to approve the July 2024 bills as presented in check register and wire transfer information. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
V. Committees: 
A. Sports Committee - Information/proposal from GHEC
B. Buildings and Grounds - Update on asbestos removal and flooring to be replaced. Update on basement water intrusion, insurance, tractor batteries, old scoreboards from gym, playground and landscaping by lower elementary doors.
C. Transportation Committee - ESSER money designated for a van purchase by September 2024.
VI. Information Items
A. Truman Days - July 26, 27, 28 - Looking for volunteers to possibly get a float together.
B. EMC insurance.
C. Staffing - Proposed Schedule update
D. Lisa Shellum invited to be on the Speech, Hearing and Rehabilitation Services Advisor Board at Minnesota State University, Mankato
VII. Action Items
A. Resignation
A motion was offered by Farnum, seconded by Nauman, and carried to approve the resignation of Shane Nelson. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
B. Insurance
A motion was offered by Farnum, seconded by Krahmer, and carried to approve the insurance quote from EMC for property and liability for $52,637.48. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
C. Milk Bid
A motion was offered by Krahmer, seconded by Haler, and carried to approve the milk bid from Kemps. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
D. MSHSL Membership
A motion was offered by Nauman, seconded by Haler, and carried to approve the MSHSL membership for 2024-2025 school year. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
F. Donations
A motion was offered by Krahmer, seconded by Haler, and carried to approve the donation from Bayer Foundation of $5,000.00 for the food shelf, Casey’s of $26.40 and $1.40, and Preferred Printing of $90.25 for PBIS fun run t-shirt commission. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
VII. Reports
Superintendent/Principal - Information from Ryan Fetters - BakerTilly. Cash flow - interest.
IX. Adjournment
Motioned by Heckman, and seconded by Farnum, to adjourn at 7:27 PM. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.
Next regular meeting date: August 19, 2024.
James Farnum, Clerk