ISD 458 School Board Publishes Minutes

July 24, 2024


Board of Education

Independent School District #458 Board Meeting

June 17, 2024 5:30 PM

I. Call to Order: 5:31

Roll Call: Present — Mike Pfeil, Kenna Krahmer, Maria Haler, Paula Heckman and Jeff Nauman

Absent — James Farnum

Staff Present: Lisa Shellum, and Eva Sonnabend.

II. Approval of Agenda:

Motioned by Haler, and seconded by Heckman, to approve/amend the June 17 2024 Board Agenda. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

III. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:

Motioned by Nauman, and seconded by Krahmer, to approve the May 20, 2024 regular meeting minutes and June 3, 2024 special meeting minutes. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

IV. Presentation of Bills/Finance (consent agenda)

Motioned by Krahmer, and seconded by Haler, to approve the June 2024 bills as presented in check register and wire transfer information. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

V. Student Achievement:

There were 19 graduates. 16 from Truman and 3 that attended ALC institutions whereby the public school still issues diplomas when all requirements are met.

VI. Committees:

A. Buildings and Grounds - Meetings with Site Logic to Start in July. Flooring has been picked out to replace the lower elementary. High School - looking at polishing the concrete in all high school floors.

B. Sports Committee - Meeting

VII. Information Items

A. Truman Days - July 26, 27, 28 - Looking for volunteers to possibly get a float together.

B. EMC insurance sent us a conditional renewal document, but then again pulled the district’s insurance. We are working closely with our agent to get insured before July 1, 2024.

C. Staffing Update

VIII. Action Items

A. Asbestos Contract

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Krahmer, and carried to award the asbestos contract for summer of 2024 to VCI Environmental for $105,484.00. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

B. Resignations

A motion was offered by Haler, seconded by Nauman, and carried to approve the resignations of Shelby Wiederhoeft, Lora Duncan, and Morgan Roberts. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

C. Hirings

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Krahmer, and carried to approve the hiring of Heather Thomas as Full time elementary teacher, BA Step 2, $44,100.00 Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

A motion was offered by Nauman, seconded by Haler, and carried to approve the hiring of Luke Kester and Taylor Hodge as summer custodians at $16.25 per hour. Motion passed on a 4-0 vote with Heckman abstaining.

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Krahmer, and carried to approve the hiring of Avery Sanders and Torri Mohwinkel as daycare workers at $14.00 per hour. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

D. Insurance

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Haler, and carried to accept the insurance quote from SFM for workman’s compensation for $16,723.00. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

E. Amended Budget FY2024

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Krahmer, and carried to approve the 2022-23 Amended Budget as presented. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

F. Proposed Budget FY2025

A motion was offered by Haler, seconded by Nauman, and carried to approve the 2023-24 Proposed Budget as presented. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

G. Maintenance Agreement - Total Mechanical

A motion was offered by Krahmer, seconded by Nauman, and carried to approve the Preventative Maintenance Agreement with Samuel Adams for the 2024-25 school year in the amount of $10,080.00 Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

H. Technology

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Haler, and carried to approve the base contract for services, 2024-25 with Shepp’s PC Repair for $33,280.00. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

I. Resolution Intent to Issue General Obligation Facilities Maintenance Bonds

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Nauman, to approve the Resolution stating the intentions of the Truman Public School Board to issue general obligation facilities maintenance bonds, Series 2024A, In the maximum aggregate principal amount of $12,850,000.00 and taking other actions with respect thereto. Roll Call Vote: Nauman, Heckman, Krahmer, Haler, and Pfeil voting in favor and none voting against.

J. Donations

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Krahmer, and carried to accept the donations from Rural Horizons for $564.00 and $666.38, school supply donations from First Farmers Bank for $500.00, Truman Bus Service for $200.00, and Profinium for $488.00, facility use donation from GHEC/RM Driving for $160.00, MSBA raffle from Lisa Shellum for $200.00, Ag Shop grant from Federated Rural Electric for $1,000.00, sports posters advertising donations from All American Publishing for $647.25 and $752.25, FFA donation from CHS for $1,000.00 and MN FFA Association for $100.00, and the food shelf donation from Trinity Lutheran for $250.00. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

K. Authorization to accept Insurance Proposal

Motion by Heckman, seconded by Krahmer, to authorize Lisa Shellum in an emergency situation to accept the insurance proposals on behalf of the Board of Education for a July 1, 2024 start date. The policies will be brought for board action in July. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

L. Authorization for bank signature cards at Profinium Bank

Motion by Heckman, seconded by Haler, to authorize Lisa Shellum, Superintendent, Eva Sonnabend, District Business Office, Connie Smith, District Human relations/payroll office and Kayla Anderson, Dean of Students to be listed on the signature card for Truman Public School District accounts held at Profinium locations. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

M. Calendar

A motion was offered by Krahmer, seconded by Nauman, and carried to approve the updated 2024-2025 school year calendar. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

N. SitelogiQ, Inc.

A motion was offered by Nauman, seconded by Heckman, and carried to approve the hiring of SitelogiQ, Inc. for indoor air quality projects. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

O. Non-Certified Contracts

A motion was offered by Heckman, seconded by Haler, and carried to approve the 2024-25 and 2025-26 non-certified wage and salary placement schedule. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

IX. Reports

A. Superintendent/Principal:

X. Adjournment

Motioned by Nauman, and seconded by Krahmer, to adjourn at 6:26 PM. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

Next regular meeting date: July 15, 2024

James Farnum, Clerk