ISD 458 School Board Publishes Minutes

January 23, 2024


Board of Education

Independent School District #458 Board Meeting

December 18, 2023 5:30 PM

I. Call to Order: 5:30

Roll Call: Present — Mike Pfeil, Kenna Krahmer, Paula Heckman, James Farnum and Jeff Nauman

Absent — Maria Haler

Staff present: Dan Gockowski, Kayla Anderson, and Eva Sonnabend.

II. Approval of Agenda:

Motioned by Heckman and seconded by Farnum to approve/amend the December 18, 2023 Board Agenda. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

III. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:

Motioned by Nauman and seconded by Farnum to approve the November 20, 2023 minutes. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

IV. Presentation of Bills/Finance (consent agenda)

Motioned by Heckman and seconded by Krahmer to approve the December 2023 bills as presented in check register and wire transfer information. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

Presentation of 2022-2023 Audit by Paul Burkhardt.

V. Committees:

A. Negotiations Committee update

B. Building and Grounds - Installation of loading dock doors, security for inside doors, steam trap replacement in lower elementary, and first grade room flooring.

VII. Information Items

A. Enrollment

B. MSBA Conference - January 11, 2023 and January 12,2023

C. Christmas Concerts - December 14, 2023

D. Community Fun Night - December 15, 2023

E. Set January reorganization meeting date - January 16, 2024

F. World’s Best Workforce plan presentation

G. Truth in Taxation presentation by Lisa Shellum

H. Cory Greenwood - speaker presentation on character building January 5, 2024.

VIII. Action Items

A. 2022 Pay 2023 Levy Certification

A motion was offered by Farnum, second by Nauman, to certify the 2023 pay 2024 levy at $984,636.17. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

B. World’s Best Workforce

A motion was offered by Farnum, seconded by Krahmer, to approve the 2022-23 World’s Best Workforce Plan. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

C. Audit

A motion was offered by Nauman, second by Heckman, to approve the 2022-2023 audit as presented by Paul Burkhardt. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

D. Resignation

A motion was offered by Farnum, second by Krahmer, to accept the resignation of Janelle Trebesch. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

E. Calendar Revision

A motion was offered by Heckman, second by Krahmer, to approve the calendar revision. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.


IX. Reports

A. Superintendent/Principal

Motioned by Krahmer, and seconded by Heckman to adjourn at 6:22 PM. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote

Next regular meeting date: January 16, 2024

James Farnum, Clerk