ISD 458 School Board Publishes Minutes

December 20, 2023


Board of Education

Independent School District #458 Board Meeting

November 20, 2023 5:30 PM

I. Call to Order: 5:34

Roll Call: Present — Mike Pfeil, Kenna Krahmer, Maria Haler (arrive 5:36), Paula Heckman, James Farnum (leave 6:40) and Jeff Nauman

II. Approval of Agenda:

Motioned by Heckman, and seconded by Farnum, to approve/amend the November 20, 2023 Board Agenda. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

III. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:

Motioned by Nauman, and seconded by Farnum, to approve the October 16, 2023 minutes. Motion passed on a 5-0

IV. Presentation of Bills/Finance (consent agenda)

Motioned by Farnum and seconded by Krahmer, to approve the November 2023 bills as presented in check register and wire transfer information. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

V. Committees:

Negotiations Committee update

Building and Grounds - Gas leak, information on quotes for loading dock doors, security for inside doors, bathroom sensors - quotes in packet - discussion, Truman Pride locker room painting, and shop room fire.

Sports Pairing Committee meeting update - November 15, 2023 - Hudl subscription live streaming, jersey fine for damaged or non-returned and not senior sale of jersey, state conference equal share of cost to all districts.

VI. Information Items

A. Enrollment

B. MSBA Conference - January 11, 2023 and January 12,2023

C. Christmas Concerts - December 14, 2023 - Times TBD

Community Fun Night - December 15, 2023 - Time TBD

Update on audit

Special Education Teacher Pipeline Grant

VII. Action Items

A. Winter Coaches

A motion was offered by Farnum, seconded by Krahmer, to approve the list of winter coaches as presented. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.

B. River Bend Education District Agreement

A motion was offered by Krahmer, second by Nauman, to approve the agreement with River Bend Education District for a Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teacher. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.

C. Hiring

A motion was offered by Heckman, second by Krahmer, to approve the hiring of Ben Hoppe for Chief Boiler Operator. $70.00 for the first hour and $50.00 per hour after the first hour for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.

D. Tally of Write in Votes

A motion was offered by Krahmer, second by Heckman, to approve the resolution requiring the tally of write-in votes only if write-in votes are greater than a ballot candidate’s total votes. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote with Heckman, Krahmer, Nauman, Farnum, Haler and Pfeil voting in favor and none opposed.

E. Doors

A motion was offered by Krahmer, seconded by Heckman, to approve the loading dock door bid from Kendall Doors for $11,559.00. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.

A motion was offered by Farnum, seconded by Nauman, to approve the security door bid from Modern Access and Security for up to $25,000.00. Motion passed on a 6-0 vote.

VIII. Reports

A. Superintendent/Principal - Air quality sensors

IX. Adjournment

Motioned by Heckman, and seconded by Krahmer, to adjourn at 6:52. Motion passed on a 5-0 vote.

Next regular meeting date: December 18, 2023 Meeting will start at 5:30 and recess at 6:00 for the truth in taxation meeting to begin at 6:01 p.m. The regular meeting will reconvene after this meeting is held.

James Farnum, Clerk